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GMP  Mastery Mentoring Process

GMP Mastery™ Mentoring Process integrates several different types of learning to help you fully realize your potential.


Preparation  Phase
The mentoring preparation phase of the GMP Mastery™ Mentoring Process consists of 2 orientation sessions, which address the following issues:

  1. An Orientation To Make "It" Happen Mastery™
  2. An Orientation To Make "It" Happen Mastery Mentoring

Six Month GMP Mastery™ Mentoring Phase on one of the 10 Commitments of Mastery

Based on the evaluation from the profile phase, you will enter one or more of four 6-month GMP Mastery mentoring phases.  These phases consist of three 2-hour mentoring theme group workshops, with a total of six 1-hour personalized mentoring sessions (two between each workshop.)  The three tracks address the following:

  1. Complete Customer Delight, focusing on character, clarity, and competence
  2. Cost-Effectiveness, focusing on controlling and competing  by  being concise, compliant,  and conscientious
  3. Continuous Improvement, focusing on collaborating and creating by being courageous, constructive, and curious.

The process ends with an additional Review and Renewal Workshop, where you will bring all the learning and experiences of the process together, and you will also be able to evaluate if further Mentoring Phases would be beneficial.

For More Information. . . 

For more information, or to schedule your GMP  Mastery™ Mentoring Process, contact Nancy McKibben at  859-727-CGMP (2467) or .


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